Ph is known to be a quantity that determines the total amount of acidity or alkalinity in any liquid substance. It simply tells how much acidic or alkaline is a liquid substance. Ph could also be neutral stating zero acidic or alkaline nature. The acidity of alkalinity is important measure because it too many acidic or alkaline substances can harm skin and body. Therefore generally ph meters are used to determine the levels of acid or base in various liquid substances like water in swimming pools, drinking water, labs for scientific testing , coolers and boilers, wines, coffee applications, agriculture industry where ph of the fertilizers used needs to be carefully known so that they do not harm the vegetation or crops per se.
The technology of measuring ph first existed with a litmus paper. However in the last century, ph meters have been developed to take and determine the ph of the liquids or any other substance per se. Today’s ph meters are comprised of total digital technology and the calculation of ph using the readings without actually attaching a computer per se.
Following are some points regarding the usage of ph meters-
1) There is always an attached manual regarding the use of the ph meter as the device is extensively used in industries where accurate readings are required. So going through the manual before is necessary before actually using the device per se.
2) it is nothing but a voltammeter that measures the emf of the substance per se.
3) There are two types of meters in the category of ph meters- bench and portables. Bench is an efficient kind of meter that may have a potentiometric application. Portable is no different from it , the only difference being that of a feature of being movable from one place to another.
4) A ph meter, especially a digital Ph Meter might be sensitive to temperature change or electromagnetic waves and electrostatic charges as it has a digital structural framework.
5) There are a lot of types of ph systems or ph meters that are available in the market. Sites like are certified online retailers in metes and digital loggers. About 11 types of ph meters are available on the web portal. Some of them include panel mounted ph indicator, wall mounted ph indicators, dual limited controller, single set alarm ph controller, a simple digital ph and orp controller etc. They are easily available online. One can place the order and procure the exact type.
After all, you do not want your skin or hair getting affected with the acidity or alkaline nature of your soap or cream. Skin also has a ph, which needs to be maintained. If not, then it may lead to infections, rashes or harmful skin diseases. Hence Ph Meter have essential uses in the industrial sector today.